Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an innovative educational approach that fosters global collaboration and cross-cultural learning by connecting institutions from different countries. In a COIL program, students from these partner institutions engage in joint coursework and projects, leveraging online platforms for communication and collaboration. This approach allows students to gain international exposure and develop intercultural competencies without needing physical travel. COIL is versatile and can be implemented across various disciplines, making it inherently interdisciplinary. Given its interdisciplinary nature, a more fitting abbreviation might be COIIL (Collaborative Online Interdisciplinary International Learning), which emphasizes the integration of multiple disciplines in its framework. This adaptation highlights the approach’s global and collaborative aspects and underscores its commitment to fostering interdisciplinary learning and understanding.

What is COIL?, State University of New York.


The benefits of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) are substantial, addressing various aspects of educational and personal development for students and educators. Here’s a breakdown of these benefits:

Promotion of Global Competence: COIL enables students to engage with peers from different cultural and geographical backgrounds. This exposure fosters global awareness and cultural sensitivity, key components of global competence.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: By leveraging online platforms, COIL makes international collaboration accessible to a wider range of students, including those who may not have the resources or ability to participate in traditional study abroad programs. This inclusivity enriches the learning environment for all participants.

Enhanced Learning Experience: The COIL approach combines diverse perspectives and methodologies in education. Students benefit from varied teaching styles and viewpoints, leading to a more robust and comprehensive learning experience.

Technological Literacy: COIL inherently involves the use of digital tools and platforms for communication and collaboration. This enhances students’ technological skills, preparing them for a workforce increasingly reliant on digital literacy.

Curriculum Innovation: For educators, COIL offers an opportunity to innovate and refresh their curriculum. Incorporating international collaboration into coursework can lead to more dynamic, engaging, and relevant educational experiences.

Building International Networks: Students and educators participating in COIL programs can develop professional and social networks that span the globe. These connections can lead to future opportunities in education and careers.

Promoting Equity in International Education: COIL can help level the playing field in international education by providing opportunities for international exposure and collaboration to students who might otherwise be excluded due to financial, physical, or other constraints.

Adaptability in a Changing World: The COIL model teaches adaptability and flexibility, skills that are increasingly important in a rapidly changing global environment. Students learn to navigate and collaborate in diverse settings, preparing them for the challenges of the modern world.

Overall, COIL represents a forward-thinking approach to education, aligning with contemporary needs and preparing students for a globalized future. It not only enhances academic learning but also develops essential life skills in students, equipping them to thrive in diverse environments.

Phases of a COIL Initiative: Fostering Global Collaboration and Learning

  1. Team Building Phase:
    • Icebreakers, team building, and developing trust: This initial phase is crucial for COIL since it involves participants from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Icebreakers and team-building activities help create a sense of community and trust among students and faculty. These activities are designed to break down barriers, encourage open communication, and build rapport, which is essential for effective collaboration in a virtual international learning environment.
  2. Discussion Phase:
    • Group formation, initial discussions, and project organization: Once teams are formed and trust is established, the discussion phase involves setting up the groundwork for collaboration. Groups discuss the project’s objectives, outline roles and responsibilities, and organize the project’s workflow. This phase is where the logistical and conceptual planning occurs, with an emphasis on understanding each other’s perspectives and establishing clear communication channels.
  3. Project Phase:
    • Collaborative project or activity, problem-solving: The project phase is the heart of COIL, where the actual collaborative work takes place. Students engage in joint projects or activities, often involving problem-solving that leverages the diverse viewpoints and expertise of the team members. The collaborative nature of this phase allows students to gain international perspectives on the subject matter, which enriches their learning experience and intercultural competence.
  4. Concluding Phase:
    • Wrap up discussions. Final reflections, presentations: In the final phase, teams wrap up their projects, discuss their outcomes, and reflect on their experiences. They might also prepare presentations to share their work with a broader audience. This phase allows for a debriefing where participants can assess the collaborative process, the challenges they faced, the knowledge they gained, and the intercultural insights they acquired. It’s a time for consolidation of learning and celebration of achievements.

Designing a COIL Program: A Step-by-Step Approach

  1. Find International Partners:
    • The foundation of a COIL program is collaboration between institutions across different countries. This step involves identifying potential partner institutions that share a commitment to international education and have compatible academic calendars and technological capabilities.
  2. Establish a Collaboration Agreement:
    • Once partners are identified, the next step is to create a formal agreement that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party, confidentiality clauses, intellectual property rights, and the logistics of the collaboration.
  3. Identify Objectives and Outcomes:
    • Clearly define what the COIL program aims to achieve. This includes educational objectives, learning outcomes, and how the program will benefit students. Objectives should align with both institutions’ educational goals and provide a framework for measuring the program’s success.
  4. Align Curricula and Academic Standards:
    • The partner institutions must align their curricula and academic standards to ensure that the program meets educational requirements and quality standards. This may involve synchronizing course content, assessment methods, and learning outcomes.
  5. Develop the COIL Module:
    • The COIL module is a designed segment of a course that involves international collaboration. This development phase includes creating the content, activities, and assignments that will be part of the module, as well as planning the timing and integration into the existing curriculum.
  6. Choose and Set Up Technology Platforms:
    • Technology is key to COIL, so selecting the right digital tools and platforms that support collaborative online learning is essential. The technology must be accessible to all participants and should facilitate communication, content sharing, and interaction between students and faculty from different countries.
  7. Prepare Students and Faculty:
    • Students and faculty need to be prepared for the COIL experience. This includes training on the technology platforms, cultural competency education, and setting expectations for communication and collaboration.
  8. Implement the Program:
    • With all the groundwork laid, the program can now be launched. This involves running the COIL module as part of the course, with students and faculty engaging in the planned activities and collaboration.
  9. Evaluate and Reflect:
    • After implementation, it is critical to evaluate the program’s outcomes against the objectives set in the beginning. Collect feedback from students and faculty to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved.
  10. Iterate and Expand:
    • Using the insights gained from the evaluation, refine and improve the COIL module. Consider expanding the program by involving more courses, different disciplines, or additional partner institutions to build on the success of the initial COIL implementation.

These steps provide a comprehensive roadmap for institutions looking to establish a successful COIL program, ensuring that all aspects of international collaboration are thoughtfully considered and effectively executed.

General Considerations

Logistics: Ensure clear communication of term start and end dates, class times, days, and any holidays or observances affecting student availability.

Language use: Decide whether to use one language or multiple languages. Provide special consideration or support for students less fluent in the chosen language(s).

Technology: Assess comfort with technology and its availability in both countries. If using a tool provided by one institution, devise a plan for access by the other group.

Group dynamics: Understanding team player styles is crucial for fostering effective collaboration within groups. By recognizing the diverse strengths, preferences, and communication styles of team members, leaders can strategically assign roles and tasks, thereby ensuring a balanced distribution of responsibilities. Moreover, acknowledging individual differences promotes a supportive environment where each member feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique perspective. Through regular rotation of roles, teams can capitalize on the diverse skill sets present within the group, leading to increased innovation and productivity.

In a COIL setting, strategies for forming effective groups require careful consideration of cultural diversity, language barriers, and technological capabilities. Icebreakers serve as valuable tools to establish rapport among group members and cultivate a sense of community, transcending geographical boundaries. Providing ample time and resources for group activities fosters collaboration and encourages meaningful exchanges of ideas. By understanding and leveraging different roles within a group, such as contributors, collaborators, communicators, and challengers, teams can effectively navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth and learning. Additionally, managing conflicts and challenges in group dynamics necessitates the presence of facilitators, recorders, and active participants, ensuring that discussions remain constructive and goals are achieved harmoniously.

COIL Activities

These represent potential COIL activities. Encourage students to propose innovative projects that leverage current technology.

  1. Synchronous Sessions: Conduct live virtual meetings or webinars where students from different locations come together in real-time to discuss topics, collaborate on projects, or engage in interactive activities facilitated by instructors.
  2. Video Presentations: Encourage students to create and share video presentations on relevant course topics or assignments. These presentations can be asynchronous, allowing students to work on them at their own pace and share their insights with their peers.
  3. Creation of Content: Assign collaborative content creation tasks where students work together to produce educational materials such as articles, infographics, or multimedia presentations. This collaborative approach not only enhances learning but also promotes teamwork and creativity.
  4. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Collaboratively develop a FAQ resource that addresses common queries related to course content, assignments, or technology use. This resource can serve as a valuable reference for students and facilitate smoother navigation of the course materials.
  5. Podcasts: Engage students in the creation of podcasts where they discuss course topics, share insights, interview experts, or present their research findings. Podcasts provide an alternative medium for learning and encourage active participation and communication among students.
  6. Site Creation: Task students with collaboratively designing and building a website or online platform dedicated to course-related content, resources, and discussions. This project allows students to apply their knowledge in a practical context while also creating a valuable resource for future learners.

By incorporating these COIL activities into the curriculum, instructors can foster meaningful collaboration, cross-cultural exchange, and active engagement among students, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Common Challenges:

  • Gender roles
  • Age and hierarchies
  • Religious beliefs
  • Sensitive topics

Strategies to Overcome These Challenges:

  • Provide cultural sensitivity training to promote awareness and understanding.
  • Set clear guidelines on mutual respect and inclusivity within the collaborative environment.
  • Facilitate open discussions where participants can share perspectives and address differences constructively.
  • Encourage reflection on cultural biases and assumptions to foster empathy and mutual understanding.
  • Offer support and mediation services to assist in resolving conflicts that may arise due to cultural differences.
  • Design activities that are culturally neutral or inclusive, ensuring equal participation and engagement from all participants.

General Tips

  • Internationalize your curriculum. For instance, use articles/material written by scholars from all around the world.
  • Use OER and open-source solutions. Consider using technology that provides free access.
  • Make connections. If you attend an international conference, it’s a great opportunity to expand your professional network!
  • Learn from your students. They can advise on the best social media or communication tools to use for a specific task.

Resources, References, and Further Reading